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Jay Day's America: Tena Lundquist Faust and Tama Lundquist

To live without our soul is to live without God and therefore without beauty and truth. The irony is that beauty and truth are often found in the darkest and most grueling places within ourselves and the world around us. If we are wise, we take the invitation–which is offered to every person– at some point in our lives to become one with the light of God and to use that light to illuminate the broken and sick (broken, hurting, ailing) parts of the world–and hence find meaning in our own existence.

Jay Day recently had the honor of photographing Tena and Tama Lundquist in the Promise Dress in Houston, Texas, thanks to my writer/ photographer/ director brother Harry Davis.

Dogs, death, danger, ghettos, guns, cruelty, starvation, electrocution, and politics are not words that come to mind when meeting Tama and Tena. However, these are the very words that have described their lives for the past 17 years as they’ve worked to solve the stray animal crisis in the most impoverished and dangerous areas of Houston. 

In Houston alone, there are an estimated 1 million stray animals and in the United States, approximately 920,000 dogs and cats are euthanized every year. Tena and Tama have dedicated their lives to being at the forefront of fighting this crisis through their charity PetSet, which saves tens of thousands of pets from being euthanized every year. 

The term ‘one percent’ is historically applied to those at the top of society–the ‘elites’, the socialites, the party-goers, and important people. I have found a subset of this group whom I call the ‘.0001 percent’ who are the rare few that spend their lives on the margins of society bringing love, healing, and life where it is needed most. 

In the places where we may never dare to go, there are Tena, Tama, and their rescues; all living testimonies to God’s grace and beauty–the .0001%.

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 What is love to you related to the Dogs?

Tama: Love and PetSet’s stray dogs to me is the purest form of love I’ve experienced. It is how God loves us and how we can love God and try to love man. It’s pure, beautiful, soul-catching, truthful and uncomplicated. Their purity is especially evident when you see them mistreated so severely but yet they are forgiving. Many lessons I wanted my son to learn came from having a dog—compassion, empathy, selflessness, purity, and acceptance at its highest level in every situation.

Tena: Dogs are like sunshine to me. I can go a day or two without one but any longer than that and I need a dog fix. If we are traveling without our dogs, I will find some kind dog parent on the street or in a hotel that will let me love on their dog just to keep me sane until I can get home to our boys. There is no better love than that of a dog because there is no ego involved; it is the purest, sweetest love one can experience.  

How did saving the dogs change you?

Tama: Saving dogs has identified one of my purposes in life.  It’s an honorable calling to instill cultural change that improves the way we treat these sweet and vulnerable creatures whom we domesticated. I have learned so much about politics, people, cultures, and economies but I’ve also had my heart broken many times when I’ve witnessed the cruelty and neglect on our streets. I have changed by becoming more empowered with knowledge, skills, and passion to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. 

Tena: I think I was blessed to find my calling in working For the Animals. I feel so honored every day to do my small part in helping animals. It is what I came to earth for and because we can't mess up our destinies, it was intended that this be my work. It had to happen this way! 

Watch Tena and Tama's documentary For The Animals Here: Watch

Learn more about Houston PetSet:

Co-authored by Elena Statheros Davis and Julia James Davis, photography by Harry Davis

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